in Cardiff, I’m a musicologist who specialises in the electro swing genre. I
love listening to and writing about this style, and having recently submitted
my completed PhD thesis, I figured that this would be a good way to allow
myself to continue writing – perhaps in a less formal and academic style. There’s
a few electro swing blogs dotted about on the internet, some of which I’ve written
guest posts for in the past, but I figured it was time to finally do one
This blog will combine various thoughts I have around the genre, around academic life, around relevant arguments and discussions to do with electro swing, or even any other genre that I decide to write about that day, or indeed anything else at all. Generally however, this blog will mostly feature my feelings on whatever is causing a big stir in the electro swing world, or vintage remix world (that particular debate will likely be a post itself at some point).
I can’t promise I’ll be able to keep the blog routinely updated on a regular basis, but I’ll try to write something new as often as I can. As I say, if nothing else, this will simply allow me to keep on writing now that the madness of my PhD has almost ended and I’ve got a bit of free time returned to my life.
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